John Shegerian, Chairman, CEO and co-founder of ERI, the nation’s leading recycler of electronic waste and the world’s largest cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction company, shared insights about digital security issues as part of a panel discussion at the Cyber Investing Summityesterday at the New York Stock Exchange.
Shegerian joined a group of other noted cybersecurity experts for the panel titled at “Yah-OOPs: Lessons, Ramifications, and Trends After a Major Breach.”
Attendees at the second annual Cyber Investing Summit explored the financial opportunities, trends, challenges, and investment strategies available in the high growth cyber security sector. Participants included more than 200 of the leading cyber professionals, technology analysts, venture capitalists, fund managers, investment advisors, government experts, and more.
“In this age of rampant cybercrime, identity theft and hardware hacking, it’s time for government agencies, businesses and individuals to all make securing digital data a crucial top priority,” said Shegerian. “It has been an honor to be asked to present at this vitally important conference and as part of the data breach topic alongside such knowledgeable and insightful co-panelists. One of the key takeaways at yesterday’s panel was that regardless of how much you spend on cybersecurity services and software, the practice of responsibly destroying or recycling your hardware and the information it contains is essential in limiting breaches by hackers.”
“We had yet another successful conference this year right at the heart of our nation’s financial center, the New York Stock Exchange,” said Specialty Investing Series CEO Lindsey Lachman. “Digital security is a red hot topic right now and a booming industry, so we have provided panel discussions packed with leading players like John Shegerian, who are leading innovators in the cyber security and data destruction fields.”
Shegerian also noted that ERI currently provides the only dually certified nationwide solution offering 100 percent guaranteed data destruction for consumer electronics devices, e-waste and hardware.
For more information on general recycling needs, visit https://eridirect.com,https://RecycleNation.com, https://greenisgoodshow.com or https://urbanmining.org.
About ERI
ERI, the nation’s leading recycler of electronic waste and the world’s largest cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction company, is certified to de-manufacture and recycle every type of electronic waste in an environmentally friendly manner. ERI processes more than 275 million pounds of electronic waste annually at eight locations, serving every zip code in the United States. For more information about e-waste recycling and ERI, call 1-800-ERI-DIRECT or visit https://eridirect.com.
About the Cyber Investing Summit
The Cyber Investing Summit is an all-day conference focusing on the financial opportunities and trends in the rapidly growing cyber security industry. Additional information regarding the Cyber Investing Summit can be found at www.cyberinvestingsummit.com.