ERI, the largest fully integrated electronics and IT asset disposition (ITAD) provider and cybersecurity-focused hardware destruction company in the United States, has announced that it has teamed with EnviroServe, the environmentally safe and secure recycling leader in the Middle East, Africa and Caucasus (MEAC) region. The collaboration was created to provide a global solution for customers of both companies.
As part of the new relationship, EnviroServe will provide services to ERI’s clients in the MEAC region, and ERI will provide services to EnviroServe’s customers in North America.
“We are proud to be teaming with our friends at EnviroServe for this innovative and constructive collaboration that is unique and the first of its kind in our industry,” said John Shegerian, ERI’s Co-Founder and Executive Chair. “By creating this relationship, we are demonstrating our commitment to the expansion of ERI’s global network and our passion for working with likeminded organizations abroad. In EnviroServe, we’ve found a partner that shares our mission to provide groundbreaking, environmentally responsible solutions to electronic recycling and data destruction needs all over the world. Our customers can now breathe easier knowing that our partner EnviroServe brings the same level of care and commitment to doing things the right way as we do in North America.”
Shegerian added that ERI will have representatives at EnviroServe locations, including at the company’s headquarters in Dubai, and that EnviroServe representatives will also be placed at ERI’s facilities across America.
“As a partner to share the responsibility of providing electronic recycling and secure data destruction services in the United States, ERI is a perfect fit,” said Stuart Fleming, CEO of EnviroServe. “Like us, ERI is committed to innovation and serving the needs of regional and global customers in an ever-evolving landscape. We are excited to partner with them as we jointly develop new ways to lead our industry to meet the pressing ITAD and data destruction needs of businesses all over the world.”